If you are planning to spend your holidays in Tuscany, we suggest you to visit the islands of the Tuscan Archipelago. In this article we will give you some interesting information about the seven islands, each of them boasting different geological, cultural and historical assets. The Seven Pearls in the Tuscan Archipelago There is a legend the locals still tell visitors about the Tuscan Archipelago. As you probably know, the goddess of fertility, beauty and love, Aphrodite, arose from the sea foam. At that moment, while trying to reach Eros, she lost her necklace and its pearls fell into the waves. According to the legend, each of the fallen pearls created an island of the Tuscan Archipelago. The seven pearls we can still see today are: Elba, Giglio, Capraia, Montecristo, Pianosa, Giannutri and Gorgona. They all belong to a National Park (Parco Nazionale dell’Arcipelago Toscano) together with other smaller islands and rocks in their proximity (like Palmaiola and Cerboli). The park includes a marine area of more than 60.000 sea hectars, representing the largest marine park in Europe: the Pelagos Sanctuary. This marine protected area originates from an agreement between Italy, France and Monaco. However, each island differs from the neighbours and boasts unique landscapes and cultural-historical assets. Indeed, we can find many differences in the geology, flora and fauna of these territories even if they all belong to the same area. For example, some of the islands originate from volcanos (like Capraia), while others are made of granite (like Montecristo, Giglio and Elba) or calcium. For this reasons, many are the activities visitors can join on the several islands. Not only beautiful beaches and hidden bays, but also hiking paths, museums and historical sites, diving areas and sunken relicts. Below you can find a brief description of each
If you are planning to spend your holidays in Tuscany, we suggest you to visit the islands of the Tuscan Archipelago. In this article we will give you some interesting information about the seven islands, each of them boasting different geological, cultural and historical assets. The Seven Pearls in the Tuscan Archipelago There is